Hamilton, Ontario “Steeltown”
Click on the picture for a really, really big version…
Billy Madison rip
Image Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Warris
Yesterday was unseasonably warm here, and sunny, a great day to be outside! Vita and I went to Hamilton for the afternoon to shoot some pictures around Dofasco, which is a industry buffs dreamland. Of course, getting near the place can be a challenge, as the security is tight around here. In spite of that, and a few “suggestions” from the security guards, I managed to get a few good shots of the place.
This one was taken from the highway bridge looking directly into the heart of the factory. If you click on the really big version, much detail can be seen.
I shot a couple hundred pictures all around here yesterday, and should give me lots of material for the next while.
Unless the squirrels do something interesting….
Posted by: | 01-29-2006 | 11:01 AM
Posted in: Uncategorized
Hi Tim:
I like these kind of pictures. In a pinch the squirrels are OK too. nice change once in a while. MOM