Port Kelsey #17
This brass 0-8-0 is undoubtedly the best running engine I have ever seen. It will crawl as good as the diesels. Naturally, it is also my favorite.
I bought this at a model railroad flea market a few years back. It was very nicely painted, but for another railroad, I forget now which one. I repainted it and re-motored it for the Port Kelsey.
Does anyone recognize the name “Gascoyne“? This name appears in several places on the engine, and I have been told that he was once a well known modeller, I can’t find any reference to him though.
Click on the image for a larger view
Image Copyright 2003 Tim Warris
Posted by: | 06-08-2003 | 05:06 PM
Posted in: Uncategorized
If you go to the Kalmbach Model Train Magazine index and enter Gascoyne in the seach box you will find several of his articles from the 1959 to present.
I really like your site. Would love a set of “castings” for the mini-chop saw so I could drill for my own motor or provide slots to accomodate various spacings if the motor is not a current standard.
Bill Uffelman
Las Vegas NV
Thanks! I gave that a try and found quite a few articles. Good to see that he is still active in the hobby.
The chop saw was made completely from scrap materials, no castings or duplicable parts to speak of. With a bit of resourcefulness, it could be built from almost anything.
Great layout, and beautiful modelwork. If you aren’t aware, the 0-8-0 is a model of a Southern Pacific SE-4 (Switcher, Eight wheel). Those that had rectangular tenders with narrow oil bunkers got them from TW-8 class 4-8-0’s.