Last Exit hd It needs some paint.
Click on the picture for a larger version…
The Rookie movie full
It has been requested to post a picture of the exterior of the house in Burford. Here is a shot I took last night. I still have to do some work around the yard.
Independence Junction, 2006
Pervert! dvdrip
Derailed psp
Click on the picture for a larger version…

Image Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Warris
One of many images I have from the NMRA Train Show last month in Philadelphia. I will post some of these over the next while.
This is from GCLaser, they had a large display showing all their fine kits. The workmanship on the display was superb, as can be seen in this picture.
More to come…
Well, eventually a layout room…
Brigadoon divx
I have been away for the last several weeks, first with the NMRA Train Show in Philadelphia, and more recently with the new house in Burford. I have come home for a few days to catch up on some pressing CAD work, and wash the shorts….
We will be building a shop on the property, and in the mean time we are renovating a “wing” on the house to work out of for the next while. Once the new outbuilding is complete, this space will become a main floor layout room off of the dining room, which I am looking forward to!
Here is a shot of the space when we first looked at the house….

Image Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Warris
It will be a bit cramped for a while, but we are used to that. The payoff will be worth it though….
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