Lawn track.
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Image Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Warris
This crossing is on the front lawn of Dofasco. It appears to have had the route past it removed some time ago, as there is no evidence of the roadbed.
Looking down on a three way turnout.
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Image Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Warris
Ok, enough house pictures. If we buy the place I will post some more, but now, back to the tracks…
This is the same as this picture from a few months back. This time I decided to walk up on the highway bridge above it and get a shot looking down on the entire piece of trackwork. Not to often I find a spot to get a picture of unusual trackwork like this.
Its interesting to see from this viewpoint, it is quite a long turnout.
Great space. Show Boat movie download
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Image Copyright (c) 2006 Tim Warris
Sling Blade psp
Another shot from the same room as yesterday’s
Not a very good quality picture because the light in there was very low, and this is the best I could coax out of the shot.
That’s me on the right, drooling over the hand hewn beams in the ceiling.
This space is an old furniture factory converted into a huge loft. The space just keeps on going, with this area being a small part of the second of 3 floors, which is mostly the living space. The entire first floor is commercial/office/shop space. The third floor is a 2 bedroom loft apartment.
Some of those floor boards are 20″ wide, the ones in the ceiling are too.
This is one of the many places we have looked at in the last few weeks. So far this is the one we like best.